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Here is the link to my final animation. I liked how it came out but it was definitely the most time consuming.
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Here is my final portfolio with all the projects I have completed this semester. This was a fun, super helpful course that will definitely help me in the future.


I love the show The Office so why not pretend I work at Dunder Mifflin. I enjoyed this project but it was difficult to match the lighting.


In this project I wanted to represent overthinking. I like how the fire looks like it is coming out of my hair.

B&W to Color

Here are my five self portraits that had to be colored from black and white. I think the second one is my favorite just because it differs so much from the others.


The first poster was my original and the second is the recolored version. This project was due around the time of elections so I thought this topic was perfect. The different colors make the poster stand out more. 

Gradient Mesh Tool

Using the gradient mesh tool, I have created a self portrait that I think looks pretty good. Because I was absent the day of this tutorial, it was a little hard to figure out but once I go the hang of it, it was fun to see how realistic it started to look.